British Values

British Values at Ingleton School
‘Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’ (DfE November 2014)

How do we promote British values at school?

Rule of Law

To ensure that our school is a safe and happy place to be all staff promote the school rules and help the children understand the importance of following these rules. Children are also taught the reasons behind laws and how they protect us. Children recognise they are responsible for following rules and that their are consequences when these rules are broken.

Individual Liberty

It is important to us that our children feel safe and supported during their time with us. We ensure that children’s achievements and positive contributions to school life are recognised through celebration assemblies, pupil of the week presentations and worker of the term awards. This promotes a positive self-image, self esteem and pride.

Our curriculum involves lots of different activities and educational visits that allow children to develop individual interests and we encourage children to explore and develop these interests outside of school.


We actively seek children’s opinions through our School Council. The council is made up of Year 6 and another child from each class that has been elected by their classmates. At the end of each year we also ask the children to complete a questionnaire that also asks their opinions.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

Mutual respect and tolerance is extremely important to everyone at the school and this can be seen in our mission statement. We believe that everyone has worth. Through our teaching we ensure that children value everyone no matter of race, religion or belief.

Because the school is situated in an area that is not culturally diverse we have begun to create international links that we hope to sustain. Through a new partnership with a school in Brazil, we want to help the children see beyond our school and to begin to become global citizens with an appreciation of how their own choices, values and behaviours can have an impact.

For more information about our school partnerships, please see our International Curriculum page.

Votes for Schools

Ingleton C of E Primary School have subscribed to VotesforSchools. VotesforSchools provides effective delivery of SMSC (including British values) and Prevent. It supports SMSC, PSHE and Citizenship. Debating a weekly VoteTopic provides the opportunity for discussion of topical, sometimes controversial, issues. It allows pupils to live and experience British values in an engaging way.